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Theodore Housing Authority

Business Directory

Lodging - SouthView Manor and Christopher Place
Apartments for Seniors or others in need of lodging - Theodore Housing has two options for Lodging in Theodore
*Southview Manor is located on the corner of Railway Ave. and Bilokreli Bay.
*Christopher Place is located on Christopher Street
The Social Housing program provides safe and adequate housing to individuals and families in need. It's intended to serve households with low incomes, and priority is given to seniors (60+), Families with children or dependants, and individuals with disabilities.

The rent for either apartment or housing unit is based on gross household income. To be eligible for the Social housing program you must be legally allowed to be in Canada, NOT temporary visitors to Canada or Foreign students and have a gross income and assets below the program limits.
Households are prioritized for the Social housing program based on need. Each application is assessed accurately and impartially by using a point scoring system. The applicant is scored on a scale that assesses housing need according to certain criteria. The total number of points the applicant receives when all the categories are added up is their point score.
To assess three things are considered: 1) Adequacy - whether the applicant household is homeless or lives in a home that puts their health or well-being at risk... 2) Suitability - Whether the current homes meets the needs of all household members... 3) Affordability - Whether the current shelter costs are more than 30% of the gross household income. Applicants will also need to provide the housing authority with a recent rental history, including landlord references. Units are allocated to approved applicants who have the highest point scores and NOT allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Once approved the applicant signs a lease agreement between the housing authority and themselves. A lease must be signed prior to taking possession of a unit, PLUS a security deposit of a minimum of $125 when the lease is signed. (Security deposit is less than $400). Tenants who receive social assistance may provide a letter of guarantee from the Ministry of Social Services instead of a security deposit.
Rent is set at 30% of a household's gross income. Tenants with lower incomes will pay lower rents than tenants who have higher incomes; this is subject to the minimum and maximum rent amounts set by SHC. For more details on everything entailed in your possible application you can visit the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation online at
You can also call the Theodore Housing Manager Rick Parsons at 1-306-620-8600.

SOUTHVIEW MANOR - Apartment complex
There are a total of 10 units in the complex. Includes Four - 2 bedroom suites, and Six - 1 bedroom suites

6 Units - To inquire call Rick at 1-306-620-8600

Senior lodging and short term rentals for adults who aren't seniors! The units include: Fridge, stove, washer & dryer. Heat, water & sewer services are included in the rental! Tenants are responsible for for electricity charges and are required to sign up with SaskPower for service. Tenants also have shared laundry facilities and are provided their own parking stall w/outlet. Meals on Wheels is available through Sunrise Health Region. There are volunteer drivers available for appointments. Click on the pictures for a larger view. Call for more information (306) 647-0041 or (306) 620-8600

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